
Find out information about the Puerto Rico's tourist attractions

Aviones Restaurant
Barranquitas, Puerto Rico

The Aviones Restaurant located in Barranquitas is a unique place in Puerto Rico. Once you arrive at the complex, you will find 3 commercial aircraft in which you can enter and enjoy them. Kids will love it and their imagination fly, because they can play all around them. In addition to the aircraft they have a suspension bridge that you can cross and a tower that offers a panoramic view of the entire complex. It has a main outdoor room for dining or you can eat inside the aircraft. Their food is very good and the atmosphere is familiar. It is recommended for a day of adventure in the mountains of PR.

Near places: Paseo Lineal de Barranquitas , Barranquitas Town Square

Categories this place belongs: Seafood , Puerto Rican

How to arrive, click here or view on Google Maps 18,175154,-66,330536

Dir: Carr. 143
Km. 57.0 Bo. Helechal Barranquitas

Leave your comment

1. nsqccp
enero 6, 2017
Lugar es demasiado humedo, sillas mohosas y lugar inseguro para la familia. Es mas una barra que restaurant. Despues de las 6:00pm, con la obscuridad y la cantidad de personas bebiendo es un peligro. No apto para familia. Cuide su familia, se ven cosas raras y extranas de momento, dificil de identifcar a las personas si son empleados o visitantes. No hay seguridad ni Buena iluminacion.

2. Mayra
julio 16, 2023
Seve exelenre quiero vicitarlo

3. Darlene Naranjo
septiembre 18, 2023
Buenas tardes. A mi me dijeron que ustedes habían cerrado. ¿Es verdad?

4. Isa
septiembre 24, 2024
Hi is this restaurant still open?

5. Isa
septiembre 24, 2024
Hi is this restaurant still open?

6. Evelyn J Morales
noviembre 29, 2024

7. Evelyn J Morales
noviembre 29, 2024
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